The purpose of the Celebrate Recovery Ministry at First Baptist is to change the course of our lives, from following selfish ambitions and personal desires which end up causing us so much grief, to knowing and following God's perfect and Christ-centered plan and purpose for our lives which will by necessity lead us out of bondage to our old, painful resentments, hurts, addictions, and habits. Our healing is to be for His glory, not our own satisfaction.

We are once again holding in-person meetings!

Thursday, January 7, 2016

January 2016 Schedule

Thanks to everyone who helped with the special session of CR on New Year's Eve.  It was a great time of fellowship as we brought in the new year together.

We are back to our regular Friday sessions beginning January 8 and every Friday this month.  We begin with Step 1 and whether you have been through the 12 Steps before or not, there is always much benefit from investing some time with what God is doing here at CR.  He is always at work, always encouraging, molding, shaping and challenging us to put off the old you and put on the new.

Life is full of challenges, hurts, harmful habits, and heartbreaks, but there is hope in Almighy God who cares about you, has the power to help, and the desire to remove the darkness and bring you into His glorious Light.

Hope to see you Friday.

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