The purpose of the Celebrate Recovery Ministry at First Baptist is to change the course of our lives, from following selfish ambitions and personal desires which end up causing us so much grief, to knowing and following God's perfect and Christ-centered plan and purpose for our lives which will by necessity lead us out of bondage to our old, painful resentments, hurts, addictions, and habits. Our healing is to be for His glory, not our own satisfaction.

We are once again holding in-person meetings!

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

September Happenings

God is has been doing much work among us and in us this summer.  We have seen Him intervening and changing hearts and lives.  Thank You, Lord for Your faithfulness and love for us and the mercy You show to those who simply humble themselves before You.

Thanks again to God and to everyone who helped and attended our Street Picnic on August 12.  It was great to meet and get to know so many people from our community.  It was a pleasure to sit and eat with each of you and we hope to see you all again soon.

We will NOT meet on Friday, September 2 because we are having an outreach event (in accordance with Step 12), at the Big Knob Fair where we will be ministering through prayer and conversation with the people there.  Come out to the fair and see us!

We will resume our regular weekly meetings on September 9 at 7:00pm. 

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